Member Spotlight


24 July 2023
1. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in the small town of Union, Missouri (about 45 minutes west of Saint Louis). There are an abundance of machine shops in that area and that is where I started sweeping floors at my cousin’s machine shop at the age of 15.

2. Is there anything you know now that you wish you’d known when you were first starting your career?

They say you can work your own hours when you start a business. In reality, you work all hours, just from different locations.

3. What do you love most about your job at Zimmer Design?

What I love most about my job is I can do something different every day and the only limitation in my career is me. I also love solving problems and project managing so owning a machine shop is the perfect/only job for me.

4. We’re now mid-way through 2023. Looking back at any goals or resolutions you had at the beginning of the year, how are they going so far?

Things are going great! We are projected to double our business from 2022 and are on track to become AS9100 certified. My long-term goal was to start a business in 2023 but opportunities have progressed very quickly over the last two years and are ahead of schedule.

5. When you aren’t at work, what’s your favorite thing to do in Austin?

When we can, my family and I head to Lake Travis, or any watering hole, to swim and keep cool. I also enjoy trying new foods and going to concerts in Austin. Every several months, Zimmer will host a Texas Hold’em tournament for friends and people in the industry.

Austin is an amazing city, but I usually find myself out of town most weekends travelling to different places. Some of my favorite places I have been are Korea, Thailand, Portugal, England, and Mexico to name a few.

6. What is something about you that might surprise people if they knew?

In 2014, after receiving my AS in Mechanical Engineering, I moved from Missouri to Austin at the age of 21 to play drums in my band. We toured around the country and made it into some commercials and movies, but the band eventually split up.


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